3.1. Evolution of special states under dephasing channelThe dephasing channel reflects the decay of non-diagonal elements of density matrix with time. In this channel, we focus first on the n-qubit system in the form of pure states
with odd numbers of
and even numbers of
taking 1, respectively.
means all possible permutations of
. The initial entanglement of the above states (
5) can be simply derived as
In the following, we take the example of a four-qubit system in the pure state
to calculate its negativity under the dephasing channel. We note that the negativity of the states (5) with n = 4 is determined by the partial transposed density matrix
. The nonzero diagonal matrix elements of
are given by
and the nonzero off-diagonal terms are given by
n=10,11,13,16, and
; and
. Hereafter,
) in the partially transposed density matrix.
The negativity corresponding to the bipartition
for the state
can be readily calculated as
Similarly, the negativities for the states
n=2,3,5,6, and 7 are given by
From Eq. (
11), with the same
, the entanglement for the states
in Eq. (
5) does not decrease with
n, namely,
In other words, the entanglement of
does not become more fragile when the size of system increases.
Next, we discuss the other form of pure states for an arbitrary n-qubit system
. These states are related to the states
by an LU transformation as
which are both the Hadamard matrices. That is,
are LU-equivalent to
. Therefore, these two special forms of states possess precisely the same amount and type of entanglement in absence of decoherence. Specifically, the bipartite entanglement of the initial states (
13) can also be expressed as
The partial transposed density matrix
under the dephasing channel is given by
here h.c. represents the hermitian conjugate of the previous terms. The matrix has only one negative eigenvalue which is determined by the following 4 × 4 matrix:
The negativities corresponding to the bipartition
for the states in Eq. (13) can be expressed as
Contrary to the case of
, the negativities of
do not increase with
n according to Eq. (
18), namely,
It indicates that, unlike
, the entanglement of
which can be transformed into
by local operations, does not become more robust with the increase of
n. For comparison, with
, we display in Fig.
1 the entanglement evolutions of
with solid lines or dashed dot dot lines and
with dashed lines for the systems with
, respectively (shown with gray, pink, blue, green, orange, black curves, respectively), under the local dephasing channel. From Fig.
1, one can see clearly that the entanglement evolutions of both the two forms of states change with
n and so do the differences of entanglement evolutions between the two forms. Furthermore, it suggests that LU operations which do not change the entanglement properties of a state can enhance the robustness of an
n-qubit system against decoherence.
3.2. Robustness of multiqubit pure states under the dephasing channelIn our previous work,[27] we found that the state
in Eq. (5) is the most robust entangled state, and the state
in Eq. (13) is the most fragile entangled one under the dephasing channel. Now, we turn to the decoherence process of all n-qubit pure states under the dephasing channel with numerical calculation. The remaining negativity
of a state which is affected by the fixed decoherence noise is used as the quantifier of robustness. By taking a four-qubit system as an example, we sample
random four-qubit entangled pure states with the Haar measure[36] and compute their remaining entanglements with
taking the values 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, and 4/8, respectively. The corresponding remaining negativities
are plotted in Figs. 2(a)–2(d) with gray solid dots. In addition, according to Eq. (10) and Eq. (18), one can easily get the relation between
with the same values of
corresponding to the state
in Eq. (5) and the state
in Eq. (13). In Figs. 2(a)–2(d), the remaining negativities are depicted with red solid lines for state
and olive dashed lines for state
In Fig. 2, the remaining negativities
random four-qubit pure states display ribbon distributions. The red solid lines are the upper bounds; while the olive dashed lines are the lower bounds. In other words, state
is the most robust entangled state, while state
is the most fragile one for the four-qubit system during decoherence under the dephasing channel, although they are LU-equivalent with each other. The results imply that the suitable LU operations can enhance the robustness of entanglement to the max. We also explored the dephasing process of another multiqubit pure state with n=2,5,6, and 7, and obtain the same result. Therefore, we suppose that the conclusion is universal for n-qubit entanglement corresponding to the bipartition